Rachelle Burns Rachelle Burns


“It’s like an elephant sitting on my chest.” 

“I feel like my stomach is a huge knot.” 

“I find myself clenching my jaw constantly.” 

Stress. Pressure. Worry. Anxiety. The statements above are vivid descriptions of what it feels like to carry the weight of debt around all day, every day. We regularly hear from first responders that their debt is not only creating emotional stress but adding to physical illness and problems in their intimate partner relationships. But did you know you don’t have to live that way? 

I’m serious.  

You. Do. Not. Have. To. Live. With. Debt.  

Before you scoff at those words and stop reading, give me two more minutes of your attention and I’ll tell you how*: 

  1. Start an Emergency Fund: save up or set aside $1000 to use for emergencies (because they’re gonna happen!) 

  1. Create a spending plan: ...and stick to it! 

  1. Cut up your credit cards: stop using them! 

  1. Pay off your debt: use the debt snowball method, which picks up steam and can pay off debt faster than you think. 

Will it be hard? Heck, yeah! Will it be easier than drowning in debt? You better believe it!  

Trust us, we know, because we’ve been there. Twelve years ago, we had almost $25,000 in consumer and student loan debt shackled to our souls. After taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University and putting the principles into practice (you have to actually DO what you learn), we became consumer and student loan debt free in 2014. There were a lot of stops and starts, some hiccups and even steps backwards at times, but we got back in the saddle and kept focusing on getting rid of that debt.  

We are still consumer debt free today, which has given us a level of freedom and peace that we highly recommend. We couldn’t have done it without support and encouragement from others. We are here to offer that to you, if you need it. So swallow your pride, admit you need help and take the first step. 

Your future peaceful self (and family) will thank you. 


*thanks to Ramsey Solutions for some of these ideas 

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Rachelle Burns Rachelle Burns


What an amazing picture of resilience! Trees do not have minds and wills. They have no way of choosing life or death. That Southern Magnolia had no choice but to fall over and it did not even have a choice about whether to survive or die. It just kept growing.

We were hiking on some local trails this past weekend and came across a large Southern Magnolia tree that had clearly fallen some time ago. What was remarkable was that it was not only still alive, but it was thriving! From its trunk, which now lay along the ground, had sprouted new branch after new branch, and what would have been the top of the tree was now a beautiful mass of large glossy dark green leaves. 

What an amazing picture of resilience! Trees do not have minds and wills. They have no way of choosing life or death. That Southern Magnolia had no choice but to fall over and it did not even have a choice about whether to survive or die. It just kept growing.  

How much more can we choose to live, survive, and even thrive when faced with adversity? With our incredible brains, the ability to choose life and to learn from the challenges we face, we can not only keep going but grow...and grow...and grow.  

Yes, growth takes courage. It takes effort. It takes intentionality. It is not easy. But the potential for your life to be even more beautiful than the majestic, vibrant life of a toppled tree is exponentially greater. The strong trunk, firm branches and healthy leaves of your life are visible to the people around you, which can inspire them to choose their own growth.  

No matter what life throws at you, choose resilience. Choose growth. You won’t regret it. 

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Rachelle Burns Rachelle Burns

Is this all there is?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? Have you wondered if there’s more to life than what you have experienced so far? If so, then you’re not alone!  

All of us come to a point in life where we question ourselves, our marriage, our careers or, most importantly, our purpose.  

What matters most is, not whether you ask the question, but how you answer it. If you have felt stuck in your relationships, work, or in life in general, we have hope for you! Taking just one step towards getting out of the rut you’re in can make all the difference. It can be as simple as talking it out with your significant other or a friend, starting a journal, learning how to do a 5 second breathing meditation (yes, 5 seconds!) or reading a blog (hey, look, you’ve already that step!). 

If you want to go further, you might consider talking to a therapist (costs more than talking to a friend, but it’s unbiased and confidential) or a life coach. Sometimes a little direction is all you need. 

We know. We’ve been there. But what made a difference for us is that we didn’t stay there. And we are so glad we took that first step. 

We think you will be too. 

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Rachelle Burns Rachelle Burns

Who owns your stuff?

Do you own your stuff? Or does your stuff own you?

I located this article today. Which stated the U.S. household debt has topped 16 trillion dollars. Y’all as interest rates rise and your retirement accounts are taking a beating, is it really time to do further in debt? We long for all First Responders to live debt free and we want to teach you how. We are busy refining our three day Mental Resilience, Marriage, and Money class for Cops but we are happy to help any First Responders. Y’all remember God wants us to own our stuff, not for our stuff to own us. When our stuff owns us it becomes our god and our master. We offer life coaching to anyone who needs, contact us.

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